The rain hit the windows like reality hit me, as a head on collision, full internal bleeding. When does youth end? When you decide it has. It ended for me a long time ago, and I'm in a very black mood where the days and years stretch out endlessly before me, a great cacophony of fear, pain, sound and confusion.
The media suggests that children are growing up faster with teen pregnancies, and are being subjected to advertising that makes you feel undesirable without a product, not complete, not whole, not happy.
I'd say that this is a sad truth, and now I have no articulation left in me.
Yes I'm a bit bitter, mainly because the one I gave everything to, held nothing back from, I didn't mean enough to him to keep him mine. This blog is aptly named, its the end of the end of a lot of things.
I think the old heart has finally gone to the knackers yard. There's nothing left
The diamond on your hand,
the one little fingers trembled to find,
then coarse and broken, they fingered the diamond,
in the rough, we are all diamonds in the rough.
It dances in the light, all sight of the blood gone,
amongst ceremonies of white and smiles,
all lies and shows for the audience,
we always want an audience.
In the end, when all is dust,
your diamond will replace the pulse of your heart,
the steady heartbeat now a lonely twinkle,
the lonely star.
Not the best piece I've written, granted, but I am very tired.
Here's a better one:
It's the enigmatic route,
It's being told to shut my thighs,
But I'm the mother of all your vices
and you're opening your flies.
We're not the furthest thing from heaven,
however hard you try,
But still I'm buying a 5 foot 4 coffin
and I'm burying my lies.
If there's no smoke without fire,
It's not love if you don't fight,
and if our winter turns to summer,
I hope you'll see me in a different light.
I found this gorgeous site on my search, here's one from "Felix" :

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